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Poison Ivy FAQs

  • How did you start?
    We started to serve those who with-out our service could not use their yards and landscapes. We risk the itch so you don't have to.
  • Is this a manual removal or chemical removal?
    Manual removal. We do not advocate use of any chemicals.
  • What is Guaranteed-Gone?
    If ivy returns within 1 year of a removal, then we return and remove. 1 year, because that is how long missed roots can stay dormant. Seeds are easier to remove and done separate to keep lower rates initially.
  • What is Chemical-Free?
    Means 0 chemicals. We do NOT, will NOT, ever use chemicals to work with mother nature.
  • Do chemicals kill poison ivy?
    No. Chemicals & Home Remedies may appear to be effective when in reality the root system takes a dive to seek out a safe area. Some Chemicals can destroy poison ivy but only because they destroy the soil.
  • How do I identify poison ivy?
    For immediate identification reference our Facebook or Instagram page. OR contact us for a free estimate. Key Notes: Poison Ivy always has 3 leaves. Virginia Creeper has 5, sometimes 3. The vine is a hearty orange-brown to red. Woody fibrous. Small roots look hairy and help in climbing. In canopies, PI branches rise and droop with tips reaching up again. Leaves have "thumbs", a left and right. Light to deep green colored. 3 leaf clusters alternate. Non-symmetrical sprouting. Seeds begin small light green. Mature to a harder white shell. Can grow in full sun, prefers border light/shade.
  • How far can roots grow?
    Tap roots can go over 3 feet deep in extreme cases. Commonly vines run over 20 feet horizontally.
  • How does poison ivy vine spread?
    Primarily from Seed-Fall in the mother plants radius. Removing the main vine stops the seed production and spread. Vines can and will generationally grow over top of each other.
  • Will landscape paper smother the poison ivy?
    No. From our experiences, landscape paper makes vine removal of any kind 10x more tedious and extraneous.
  • Is everyone allergic to poison ivy?
    Yes! With prolonged and/or high concentrated exposure everyone eventually reacts more and more. We all thought we were immune until one day our bodies began reacting.
  • Does Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, and Poison Sumac have Urushiol?
    Yes. They all contain Urushiol. All reactions appear the same.
  • Is poison ivy contagious?
    Not generally, Though poison ivy can remain active for up to 10 years. Therefore, oils can be transferred from objects and pets.
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